by admin on 24/10/2010

I have taken this recipe from my friend’s girlfriend – Asuman Böce.  It’s a quite delicious dessert. We expect your comments and suggestions!


  • 1 kg / liter whole milk
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 packet of vanilla/vanilla sugar
  • 1 tablespoon butter


Put in a saucepan the cold milk and add the flour. Place it on the stove and slowly begin to stir constantly, so it would be smooth (use whisk to make it easier). After 5 min. add sugar and vanilla. When its consistence thickens enough – as for muhallebi, and it starts boiling, remove it from the heat. Add the butter(unmelted) and start beating by using blender or wooden spoon. Put the mixture in a glass ptale and place it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours to get cold.

You can decorated it as you like – by sprinkling biscuits, hazelnuts, alnut, almond, peanut, pistachio, cinnamon or coconut flakes.

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